Ever have moments when you wish you could just crawl up into a ball and just be invisible to the world? Where everything in your life seems to be just pear shaped? I had one of those moments for about all of last week. You name it, it happened... and it all came crashing down like a ton of bricks. Where do you find the comic relief in there. Oh... I had it, but then just when I was about to read the most HILARIOUS story out of the Parents magazine I somehow carved out a few minutes to read to my husband (only cause I knew that with our sense of humor - - he would have laughed histerically just like I did..) it was literally snatched away from me before I even had a chance to say Uncle. Yes... I was deeply and utterly distraught. I had nothing to look to for even a smidgen of a smile, a smirk or not even a chuckle. Ever have those days?? Instead, he had to watch the very important interview with this basketball star that had just won his team the last three points they needed to score in the playoffs....blah, blah BLAH. I know what you're thinking. Get over it woman!! But seriously, this is not about my wines and gripes. Really, it's not.
This, my dear, is about the silver lining. It is the silver lining that we each need to find when life presents itself in such a fashion that at the moment seems quite unbearable and 'OMG... will I ever survive this?!' YES. Yes, you will. And how do I know? Because Jesus promised us that we would never endure more than we can handle. But, we have to trust in him to see the lush valley at the other end. He gave us hearts that are made to love, to nurture, gentleness and grace. Beauty beyond understanding along with the ability to pour on the understanding and ears that listen like no other. I had a hard time seeing the brighter side of things, only because I had moments of pure fear. Truthfully though, that fear is not a part of who I am nor who I was created to be. I had to look past the present and what stood before me and understand that there was a bigger picture than what I was choosing to focus on. I am better than that. And so are you! There is a silver lining to everything. Yes... I mean everything. You just have to choose to see it and remember it. That silver lining might just be your comic relief when you need it most - - it was mine!
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